MICF - Josh Thomas - “Douchebag”

Thursday 28th March 2013

I saw two comedians on what I think was the first night of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival (MICF), so what I saw were the preview shows. Josh Thomas was the first comedian I saw on this night.
The last time I saw Josh was in 2011 with his “Everything Ever” at the Melbourne Arts Centre. Which was a rather large venue, though he filled it and I think that time I saw it was the premier show as well.
I’m not sure what that means about a change of venue. Probably the Arts Centre has finished its renovations and it not charging a lot more, or that more people don’t want to have to cross the Yarra to go and see comedy. Even if it is just a step and a skip across the Yarra.

This was the Josh’s first show of the festival, the preview show, the first of 4 according to the MICF website.
Which was possible why there were two rows of chairs were left reserved in Josh’s show. I assume for journalists, who rather rudely arrived 10 minutes late kinda throwing a spanner into Josh’s narrative stride.

It was good, I laughed and listened in many places and even paused in thought at a few points.

There were a few points where I laughed and not many other people did, I don’t know what that says of my sense of humour, but I also laughed at inappropriate spots the last time I saw Josh’s show. So I dunno really.

I think, as Josh himself said, the show's title and theme may not be the best, as he said he had to select a title and idea in October last year and it seems to have been something of a spur of the moment sort of idea, that is “Douchebag”, or his attempts not to become one. I didn't really get a sense of this through his stories, not really. His narrative makes him human but nothing has really cascaded over into douchebag territory.

I could perhaps put down these minor issues to it being the first night of the MICF, but he’s done the same show in other states and I have the confidence in him that its basic structure should be down and ready.

One thing that did seem a little bit like padding for the show was the auction at the end. It does sort of tie into one of his stories in his show, but...
Maybe I’m being a little cold hearted, but I just didn’t really feel it (plus I don’t like pineapple in a cake).
It just seemed like an odd way to end the evening with an auction and it didn’t really engage me, at the end of a comedy gig when the jokes and the comedian is done, I’m ready to leave. I just felt a little trapped and uncomfortable there, as Josh wasn’t really providing entertainment, mostly it seemed a little like guilt tripping and padding.

I enjoyed Josh’s show, though not as much as I did his 2011 show. However the Lower Town Hall is a much more intimate space so I felt like I was actually seeing a comedian rather than being somewhat removed with him being on a high stage (though I will see what it’s like seeing Wil Anderson in a week or so at the Princess Theatre). I would still recommend Josh Thomas’ MICF show to people as it was funny and his brand of humour isn’t something that’s around a lot.
Just, narratively it seemed a little bit more disconnected than I was expecting.