MICF - Splendid Chaps (1)

Splendid Chaps the Fourth Doctor Podcast

I saw a Dalek do stand up.
It was Petra Elliott inside the Dalek, but still it was a Dalek doing standup.
A Dalek that looked like it's been around the festival a few times.
But it still looked cool.
And Petra spent the whole show trapped inside the lower half of the Dalek shell. Sort of like a female Davros or a half finished Dalek.

The guests for the Splendid Chaps podcast were Dave Callan and Paul Verhoeven.
Everyone was wearing a scarf, well except for Callan who was wearing a t-shirt that had the Fourth Doctor's costume on it.
They're something I've been tempted by, but have as yet not been tempted all the way to hitting buy.

Some things I did learn about; Paul Verhoeven's "Steam Punks" he asked the set and costume people to build him a console that was like the TARDIS but wasn't and the same for his costume.

Doctor Who-wise no gigantic great insights into Tom Baker's era that most of it was mentioned at some point. the Sarah Jane era, the Leela era (very briefly) and the Romana era.
Also Adric got a mention and Tom Baker's moods.

Next podcast is the comedy podcast, in that it's the one about comedy, rather than being just about the fourth Doctor's era.
It seemed to go past in a flash, it didn’t seem like a hour of podcast being recorded.
I also missed out on the door prize by 2 tickets I was 51 the winner 49.
I’m still not sure about the musical act to end the podcast. I knew of the “Doctor Poo” that they mentioned in this show, it’s a fairly obscure reference. Very in fact and the musical performance while good, I’m still unsure about. I think I would prefer to hear more discussion and things like that than the musical act.