MICF 2014 - Joel Creasey - “Rock God”

13th April 2014 - 8:45 pm

Joel Creasy high-fived me.
I really didn't know what to do what he held his hand out to me, or to the front row, but I thought I'd better do something.

Creasy also continues his end of show theme of wearing something under his clothes.

I did think, sitting up the font that he had packed out his jeans quite a bit. I wasn’t looking per se, just musing off centre randomly.

Although those shoes must have been somewhat difficult to get off at the end.

Joel Creasy's narrative is like his previous shows (to which I've been to 2-3) a tightly constructed narrative with some diversions and detours along the way. But they're seamless.
He makes them seem like random detours but they actually form a part of the whole narrative that he's presenting.

This show reveals itself very well, and thinking back on it as I drove home it was a brilliantly written piece of comedy. Creasey constructs his narrative with intensity and flippancy at times which hides how much he must have written his show to ensure all the different strands come together throughout the show and it all happens at the end to pool together.

I was last year and still am surprised and amazed by Joel Creasy, he's a comedian whose material is brilliantly funny. But also well constructed. He manages to paint scenes and sequences in a brilliantly vivid detail very quickly. Like he's using a large paint brush, but cartoon like as it goes out across the room is actually painting intricate details.

I didn’t know what Zumba was before seeing his show, and I’m still not sure, but it does seem like it’s a bit of an inappropriate thing for guys to dress for.

Joel Creasey’s show is probably one of my top shows of this year’s MICF, just so well written, excellently performed with a passion.