Essence Real Brandy Custard review

I bought this 340ml tub of custard to go with some left over Christmas pudding I got from my grandmother post-Christmas day.

When looking at it in the shop I suspected it would be nice because it only has 4 ingredients. Cream, eggs, caster sugar and brandy.


No thickeners, no stabilisers, no xanthan gum. Nothing like that. Just ingredients that were I making custard for myself, this is what I would use.

This custard is delicious. It is so silky, so smooth, so...wonderfully made.
The brandy isn't overpowering either. I've bought some custards in the past which purport to be "brandy custard" but they are overwhelming in their brandy flavour.
Not this, there is that hint, the tantalising delicious hint of brandy, enough to know it's present without being shouted at.
You could, were you inclined to just eat this custard on its own.
I did...just to taste it before I put it on my Christmas pudding.
And the I had another spoonful.
And the I had it with my Christmas pudding.
I certainly didn't just 'drizzle' it over my pudding which is what the serving suggestion says, I had a bit more than a simple drizzle.

I looked on their website, and it seems they only make it for December, but their vanilla bean custard is available all year round. So I'll have to think of a reason I need to buy that one to give it a try.