MICF 2015 - Wil Anderson - “Free Wil”

11th April 2015 - 5:45 pm

I was glad I’d left the I Love Green Guide Letters live show early as it’s a surprisingly long walk from the Athenaeum Theatre to the Comedy Theatre. It’s the elevation changes that make it surprising.

I was curious about what Wil Anderson would be doing for his show this year. As a fan of his podcast TOFOP / FOFOP he’d talked at length about touring his previous show “Wiluminati” and also performing it at the Sydney Opera House for his DVD release. It meant that he began work on his Comedy Festival Show later than he usually does.

It doesn’t show, it’s still a fantastic mix of stories and tales of his life.

Like Steele Saunders’ and Tommy Dassalo’s shows where they related tales that they had previously mentioned in their podcasts (“I Love Green Guide Letters” and “The Little Dum Dum Club” respectfully), Wil also mentioned things that he had previously mentioned on TOFOP/FOFOP. But these stories had been crafted and remixed to create a story for performance.

Wil did a large amount of crowd work with the front row and the late comers before the start of the actual show, which included some tales from some of his other shows around the country.

Seeing Wil’s show and the variability of his material, along with the callbacks to the crowd work at the beginning does make me wonder about seeing his show a second time, to see what is different from seeing it the first time. It’s unlikely I will however, as I’ve said I’d heard different versions of some of the stories in his podcast. Seeing his show a second time might be a case of seeing the same story too many times.