MICF 2015 - The Little Dum Dum Club (2)

3:00 pm - 5th April 2015
4 stools & 4 mics for 5 comedians

Sunday’s Dum Dum Club felt like a debrief for Karl Chandler’s comedy festival show. I don’t really like Chandler’s comedy in the general sense, I’m not a fan of one liners or things like that. I like narrative comedy, which is why I saw his show last year. But have no intention of seeing his show this year.

From his tales of what he does; that he gets audience and special comedian guests to heckle him it sounds...not like my sort of show.

The guests today were again why everyone should see live podcasts; because you’d never get to see comedians like this in a room as intimate as this during the comedy festival. Talking randomly.
Tommy Dassalo and Karl Chandler were joined on The Little Dum Dum Club by Dave O’Neil, Dave Hughes and Nick Cody with special guest addition Dave Thornton.

Notable from this show was the impressions, especially Dave Thornton’s impression of Dave Hughes.