MICF 2014 - Bart Freebairn - “Double Happiness”

20th April 2014 - 8:00 pm

The show was scheduled to start at 8:00 pm, though it actually started closer to 8:15 pm. 15 minutes spent in the Imperial Hotel while red shirted people watched some sort of sport on a TV.
One of the most unpleasant places to be.

I enjoyed Bart Freebairn’s show without quite knowing why I enjoyed it.
It didn’t have much of a narrative structure that I’ve been banging on about liking in previous posts.

Bart has a wistful, joyful sort of tone, which quickly spins on its heel to become something slightly darker. It is kinda like a fairy tale where upon you're suddenly told the fairy godmother is off giving the bouncers a wristy while the princess scores blow off the toilet seat with the pumpkin people.
It's actually not much like that, but sort of like that.

Bart has an interesting tone and style, it’s like imagination and a confident slyness.

He ended his show on an electron joke that I really wasn’t expecting which made it all the more brilliant.