MICF 2017 - Eli Mathewson - The Year of Magical Fucking

One row from the stage

Sunday 10th April 2017 - 8:45 pm

I saw Eli Mathewson last year, it was actually in the same room as last year the “Carpet Room” with is an...intimate room. It’s tiny. All the seats are bench, though padded seats with about as much leg room as a church pew. Each pew could seat four people and there was maybe 6-8 rows.  

Eli suggests he’s worried that he’s losing his hair, he’s got a hat on, so it’s hard to tell.
His jokes and stories are a little disconnected throughout the show, with some role playing in the middle of the show that seems to act as a paragraph break between two halves of the show.

The first half of the show would be ‘establishing’, his character, his life so far, how he sees the world. The second half, I would group as ‘relationship’ and life, people who he slept, a French backpacker whom he slept with who thought he was in Lord of the Rings (the Two Towers Extended Edition). His story humorously moves to his current boyfriend and how they came to meet.

I wouldn’t say this show was on late, at 8:45 pm, but as I’d been in Melbourne since 3:00 pm for the Little Dum Dum Club it felt like it was. After it, had I known what it would be like, I’m not sure if I would have hung around for it. It’s not a negative per se on the show, it’s just in a time slot that is interesting as there’s nothing particularly confrontational or mature that would warrant a later time slot for the show.