MICF 2014 - The Little Dum Dum Club (1)

30th March 2014 - 5:00 pm

Guests for this podcast were Kyle Kinane, Lawrence Moody and Charlie Pickering.

There was a Little Dum Dum Club “Census” (really a questionnaire) that was sitting around in the bar before the night began.
I filled it out.
Had one of my answers read out on stage.
“Where was the most extreme place you’ve ever performed?” Which was in answer to the question “what would you like to ask out guests (keeping in mind you don’t know who they are)”. I thought that was a nice interesting question, and got some interesting answers out of them.

As for the show itself....

Celebration of Karl Chandler’s birthday, there was supposedly lots of mousse somewhere that someone had brought.

There were some hot topics of Australian comedy that were covered...and some comedy racism.

Karl Chandler looked like a waiter and swore like Alex Williamson.

Chandler also revealed that he’d (weirdly) decided in the past to perform while blindfolded and was surprised that people walked out.

All of the guests and also Tommy Dassalo and Karl Chandler seemed to realise, upon sitting on the high chairs that there was no where for them to put their beers. The floor being too low to casually reach while also holding a mic.
Next podcast I hope to see a table there for them.

What is talked about isn’t really important for this review. It was funny, unrehearsed, quite raw rough and funny.
The podcast is free, I enjoy listening to it and enjoy it much more to be there to see the comedians do their thing in person and to see Lawrence Moody do his pretend Chinese impressions.

The Little Dum Dum Club: Episode 182 - Live! Kyle Kinane, Lawrence Mooney and Charlie Pickering