MICF 2014 - Hannah Gadsby - “The Exhibitionist”

12th April 2014 - 7:00 pm

Hannah Gadbsy's show was something I booked relatively blind. I've seen her past 2 or 3 shows and really enjoyed them.
This was also a show, going into it that I didn't know much about.
I don't even really recall reading her page on the MICF website, I just booked it based on liking her previous work.
She is also someone who doesn't have a podcast and doesn't frequently appear on any podcasts. Which means unlike my previous outings where I've seen comedians who I know something of or about I really didn't know what I was getting going into Hannah's show.

It was surprising, and funny.
I also felt like I learnt something.
It did also make me think about fair use, Creative Commons and image licensing. This wasn’t raised in the show, it was just something that came to mind for me while watching it.

Hannah's show, is about legacy and exhibition, her show behind called “The Exhibitionist” kinda wraps that up.

There are a lot of bad photos in this show, and not just of Hannah.
There's also a feeling of a lecture, with amusing things.

I think "The Exhibitionist" is my favourite show of the MICF. It was unexpected, it was gloriously funny, but it was different sorts of funny. It wasn't just one sort of funny, there were laughs from insight, laughs from revelation and laughs of weirdness. I also felt that I learnt something, and I wasn't expecting that.