MICF 2017 - Little Dum Dum Club (4)

Sunday 23rd April 2017 - 3:00 pm
European Bier Cafe

I decided not to stay for the Little Dum Dum Club Drunkcast, having been to the last few years’ Drunkcasts (2016 & 2014) I decided not to attend. They are fun, but as the Little Dum Dum Club begins at 3:00 pm that means there’s over 7 hours to kill, and as I’d seen all the comedy shows that I really wanted to see I decided not to remain.

But onto the final Little Dum Dum Club which took place during though no a part of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2017.

The guests were; Nick Cody, Stuart Goldsmith and Nick Capper.

What I learnt from this podcast is that Nick Capper takes forever to tell a story. I’m not sure I ever want to hear him tell a story, ever.

Like many new guests to the podcast Stuart Goldsmith seemed a little taken aback by the adversarial nature of the live podcast environment. The gentle ribbing that Tommy and Karl give each other, the audience and their guests.

I’d not heard of Stuart Goldsmith and his podcast before, but it certainly sounds interesting, with him speaking with comedians about their craft and how they write.

In general it was a good episode of the podcast, Chandler didn’t read anything from VIPFAQ, but both he and Tommy did mock the blind and handicapped, so that’s another feature in the podcast’s cap of mocking marginalised people, all in the name of rifffing and comedyyyy.

One revelation during the podcast recording was that for the Drunkcast there was going to be costumes sourced from a costume shop in Airport West, so that should be interesting for those going to the Drunkcast, especially given the amazing musical number that last year’s Drunkcast had.