MICF 2014 - Tommy Dassalo - "Dreamboat"

5th April 2014 - 8:15pm

Tommy Dassalo's Dreamboat is in the Games Room of ACMI, which is down some stairs at at Flinders Street level, though it's reached from the centre of Federation Square.

The Games Room at ACMI is set up for primary school kids (though Tommy Dassalo’s show is not something primary school kids should attend), the seating is big and wide and probably perfect for primary school kids to sit cross legged on and be happy. It was a little less good for me with my long legs and height. I found myself wishing that I'd sat along the back wall rather than the middle section where I had to work out how to brace myself to stop my back wanting to feel like it was ready to crack and strain from being that rigid for that long. I did almost consider sitting up in a cross legged sort of pose during the show. Which I can still do barefoot, but can do it somewhat less easily when I have shoes on.
There were also the pipes above which according to Dassalo carried the piss from the toilets above. From what I tell I'm not sure about that. It's possible that the room is under the toilets that are at the back of Federation Square. Though possibly it's waste water from one of the eating establishments in Federation Square.

Tommy's show left me worried I had pulled a muscle, in my stomach from laughing so much, particularly at the end.

I admire Tommy's dedication to the craft of his storytelling and the lengths he goes to to build his narrative of his show, so much so by doing a few unexpected things. It is a fascinating way to tell a story in a different sort of way.
I was left wondering about one thing though, does he now have multiple shirts for his shows?