MICF 2014 - Anne Edmonds - “It’d Eddo!”

13th April 2014 - 6:15 pm

It is indeed 10 minutes from 5 Boroughs to the Melbourne Town Hall. I didn't quite believe Google Maps' route, but it was, though it was a brisk walk and a rush up the stairs to of the Town Hall to get up to the Portico Room.
I'd needed to do that because I had to get from the 5 Boroughs where the Little Dum Dum Club finished about 5 minutes late. Though that was okay because it started 10 minutes late.
But did mean I had to rush to get to see "It''s Eddo".

So, once sat down I was a little puffed and dizzy from the rush to get there.

I felt, about half way through that the energy drink I'd had in the mid-afternoon wear off. I only mention this because I really didn't mean to yawn in the middle of her show, especially as I was at the front. It was a combination of being out the previous night, up late the previous night / early morning and then working before heading into the city.
The lighting was also a very soft yellow light that made me think of sunset/sun rise.
The perfect time to be made to feel sleepy.

I went to see "It's Eddo" because I was curious. After seeing her at I Love Green Guide Letters I was curious enough to want to see her.

Her question threw me at the start "so have you all been to Mass?". Someone actually answered yes.
I had to think for several moments, was this a new comedy room, was it a club, was some food or beverage company doing a special on weights and measures? Admittedly all of this roared through my head in a very short amount of time. Before I remembered it's Sunday and the church does some little ritual sort of thing.

For warming up the audience it seemed like an odd question.

Edmonds is quite a physical performer and she used most of the small stage to the fullest.

At the start she pointed out the gap between the front of the stage and the first row of the audience. That was an emergency exit which lead out onto the balcony of the Melbourne Town Hall. From there I'm not sure what we're meant to do, I don't recall seeing any emergency exits from the outside, but maybe it's hidden quite well from the outside of the building. Or maybe there's an emergency exit somewhere around the back of the Town Hall that people can get access to that no one's seen.

I would be lying if I said I really enjoyed all of Edmond's show.
Which is what I did do on twitter, mostly because I need this space to explain why I didn’t like parts of it.
I did enjoy it overall, as a piece of entertainment and comedy is was funny and enlightening.
Between Edmonds and Karl Chandler I feel like I've voyaged through various reality TV performance tropes.

There were bits of musical comedy that I didn't like.
I don't like musical comedy in general, it's not something that does it for me.
In Edmond's show I just didn't get what she was doing with the song. It was related to what she was talking about. But it mentioned characters that I didn't really get or where/why they had been introduced to her story via song. I just didn’t really engage with it at all.

Edmond's mother sounds interesting and sounds like there's lots of good comedy from her.

Likewise Edmond's time in America sounds like it's a voyage of interesting things that happened. Her improv class especially from the way she performed it seemed interesting.

I however don't think this was the best show for me, Edmond's comedy was funny, in places. I laughed and a mused and considered.

But the ‘one person show’ as in performing to yourself is not something I’m a fan of. Karl Chandler did a little bit of it, within the context of his show to illustrate a portion of his story and it worked for this little bit as an illustrative performance. But I’m not a great fan of the jump cut talking to yourself style of comedy that’s often favoured by people on YouTube and the real life version that Edmonds did is also something that doesn’t quite work for me. It’s also something I have vague memories of doing myself in high school, so maybe it’s me, cringing at memories of my own past.

I admit I flirted with walking out, I didn’t because I respect performers too much to do that to them and it was mostly because I was a bit tired and didn’t want to be yawning throughout Edmond’s set. I was glad that I stayed through because it was funny. But just not exactly to my taste.