V Not Orange

Not awful I think is my initial impression of V’s newest energy drink flavour.

It sort of reminds me of Berocca with all the gritty and other horrible bits taken out.
It is orange in the vaguest sense of the flavour of orange. Though orange specifics wise it’s probably closer to Sunkist or Fanta than it is to the spherical fruit that commonly grows on a tree in a grove.

There’s a flavour which isn’t passionfruit, isn’t even Passiona, but has a similar tang of...something to it, it’s not quite acidy, but it’s similar to those flavours.

I quite like V, the original normal bright green can / bottle flavour. I much prefer it to Red Bull and other energy drinks and rather like its strong sharpness.

V Not Orange is quite inoffensive, it’s not as acidy as V’s regular flavour and it’s not as outright awful as V Black (which was as though they’d got some coffee and mixed it with regular V; result; horrible).
V Not Orange seems to be aiming for anyone who doesn’t like the acidity of V regular. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing though. One of the defining points of energy drinks is their fairly sharp flavours. With Not Orange it’s more like Sunkist that’s had some extra something put into it, or Berocca that’s had sugar added.

Would I buy it again?
Maybe. I only bought it today because Safeway had it on special and there were only the huge cans of regular V.
It’s not that bad flavour wise, but it’s kinda as though they’ve decided to create a flavour that is less acid and more sweet than regular V.