MICF 2014 - FanFiction Comedy

19th April 2014 - 6:00pm

Only myself and one other person had been to a FanFiction Comedy show before.
And the last one I went to was last year.

I've not been to as many this year, basically because of scheduling clashes, last year it lined up better with other things I was seeing so I could see 3-5 of the FanFiction show, but this year I've gone to one.

On Saturday there were stories of Love Actually weird mashup, a Memento/Mr Echo meeting (told in the style of Memento, very well told by James Acaster), a Buffy the Vampire Slayer tale, a story about Baribies their 'god', Ken and general toy life by Eli Matthewson and a 300 / 101 Dalmatians crossover.

The Memento / Mr Echo crossover story was intricately constructed. While I got basically none of the references having not seen Memento nor been much of a Lost fan.

Eli's Barbie story was the most evocative with clean, clear and precise story telling. It very quickly established setting and characters and made my imagination fire up.

The 300 / 101 Dalmatians was the most unexpected of the stories, that I did not expect the crossover to drop in.

I am disappointed I didn’t try to get to more FanFiction Comedy this year, it was very much a highlight for me last year.